STEG-IS acts as an engineering, technical assistance and project supervision and management office.
STEG-IS offers a diverse range of studies including :
- Electrical and gas infrastructure engineering: Power plants, electricity transmission and distribution lines and substations, metering systems, protection systems, gas pipelines and compressor and regulator stations, gas distribution grid, control and supervision systems, etc.
- Implementation of master plans.
- Planning of investment programs.
- Economic and technical-economic studies.
- Tariff studies.
- Establishment of organizational structures.
- Development of business activities.
It provides the structures in charge of energy with the assistance and support necessary for the implementation of large-scale strategic projects and advisory services.
It also manages and supervises national and regional projects, in particular interconnections, major production projects, etc.

Our references:
In this area, STEG-IS has carried out several projects in Chad, Guinea, Rwanda, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Congo and Tunisia. These projects concerned mainly technical assistance to utilities in the areas of electricity generation, transmission and distribution management, as well as in the areas of technical and financial feasibility studies, rehabilitation and upgrading of infrastructures through new techniques and technologies.